Clip on Pop-filter for microphones

This is a clip on pop filter for a microphone based on a Superlux E205UMKII type, however due to its clip-on design,…
6h 31m
1× print file
0.15 mm
0.40 mm
43.00 g
updated February 11, 2020



This is a clip on pop filter for a microphone based on a Superlux E205UMKII type, however due to its clip-on design, it will fit any microphone with a tubular body and a diameter of 50 mm / - 5 mm.
After printing and cleaning both parts, just use a piece of cloth (in my opinion, nylon stockings work the best), stretch it on one part, and clamp it shut with the top part. For tightening the top and bottom part, I used 6 pcs of M3x10 screws and 6 pcs of M3n nuts (these come with the Prusa printers). Hope someone will make use of this. There is an additional clamp design in the model, in case the first clamp breaks.


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