This is a wearable respirator that uses vacuum bag HEPA filters to protect from the spreading of viruses and bacteria. Have a look at the post printing section for more information. At 100% scale the mask is made for the average head width of 155 mm. You can scale it how you want to make it fit better, don't forget to scale all the parts the same.
Printed from Fillamentum PLA Vertigo Grey, Melon Yellow
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After Printing
Cut out pieces of a HEPA filter vacuum cleaner bag and snap them into the breathing openings. Seal the edges of the mask with EPDM window seal (a 60 cm long strip should be enough) for good air tight adhesion. Then just thread elastic bands through the 4 holes to hold it on your face. Each person's face shape is different so you might need to scale the mask a bit or use a double layer of the window sealer in some places. But with an airtight seal should provide equivalent filtration to a FFP3 mask filtering 99.97 % of particles.
The author marked this model as their own original creation.