3D Printer Educational Kit for Kids

This kit is a DIY assemble kit for kid.
updated April 7, 2020



This kit is a DIY assemble kit for kid. It's approximately a 2:1 Prusa I3 MK3S compose of 23 different parts all 3d print. Each part can be assemble using 3d print screw and a 3d print screwdriver. It is make to be an entertaining and educational kit for learning different components of a 3d printer and practice manuel ability. Of course I had to combine certain parts and remove some but I try to keep it the most realistic as possible. This kit is 100% printable, you don't need any glue, screws or things like that. A perfect kit to practice the next generation of maker !

Also this project is still work in progress and this is the first version. In the future I want to improve it and make it more realistic. Here's the list of what I'm planning for the future

              -|-|-|-|-| WORK IN PROGRESS -|-|-|-|-|-|-
  • Fine tuning fit
  • LCD screen
  • Spool support
  • Top Z axis guide

the list of all part you need to print.

1x Frame
1x Front plate
1x Back plate
1x Front extrusion 1
1x Front extrusion 2
1x Back extrusion 1
1x Back extrusion 2
1x Control box
1x Power supply
1x Bed
1x Y motor
2x Y axis
2x Z motor
2x Z axis
1x X motor
2x X axis
1x Slider 1
1x Slider 2
1x Heat Head
1x Nozzle
8x Small screw
24x Screw
1x Screwdriver

Small screw are for Power Supply, Control box and Y axis

A tutorial assembly video is coming soon but I'm sure that you or your children can make it just by looking to a Prusa I3 MK3S or a similar printer.

If you have any suggestion or comment about the model just contact me and I'll try to do my best :)


Update 4/9/2020

I made test with a new fit and now the resistance of the screw is 10-11 screw/unscrew before the it broke instead of 4-5. More, It makes the bed and the heat head move more smoothly.

Also the first version of the fake LCD screen is on the way. I keep you inform :)

Update 4/18/2020

Sorry for the delay. I'm 3d printing faceshield for my local hospital 24/7 and with the school work I don't have a lot of time. I'll try to publish new update as soon as I can.

Print instructions

All part with thread must be print in .1 layer height
Add brim for all screw, axis, slider 1 and slider 2
Add support for Heat Head and slider 2
Screws must be print with 100% infill and axis are recommended to be.

Model origin

The author hasn't provided the model origin yet.
