Ive tried to recreate the sniper turret from the video game "The Division 2" by Massive Entertainment.
Goal was to stay as close to the ingame model as possible and also make it easy to print.
Leave a comment if you like or have problems with some of the parts (joints could be a problem with a cheap printer...)
Ive also added the STP. - File, so you could make changes on your own...
Also added the upper casing part as an f3d.-file so that you can easily add your own “call sign”… ;)
Print in whatever material you like.
Part names contain the number of items you need.
There is only 1 part that needs support to print:
"leg mount - middle part.stl"
Maybe using a raft or a brim for part "leg 5" could be neccessary;
depends on the stickyness of your print bed... ;)
For the bullet us 1 or 2 filament changes during print to achieve MMU-look. (incendiary rounds)
The "shell" should be printed in vase mode.
Have fun and share some picures!
The author marked this model as their own original creation.