This is my remix of the fantastic Hogwarts model by falloutboy2015 .
Unfortunately my .4 nozzle couldn't print the original, so I tried some of the other remixes.
They were no good. The one I tried failed spectacularly because of slicing problems. An investigation into the mesh file showed more than 8900 errors in the mesh. A massive amount of overlaying edges and faces, as well as loads of redundant vertices.
So I set about to remake the whole model.
This is the one.
No errors.
It is manifold.
It works on .4 nozzles.
The model is very much simplyfied from the original. I didn't see the point in having details that couldn't print anyway.
After spending all those hours remaking the model I tip my hat to the original creator.
Well done. Cudos to you.
The print you see on the pictures are straight from the printbed. No after print work has been done.
Blend file included for those of you who want more detail :)
Straight out of the box.
No supports. no nothing.
The author remixed this model.