This model is designed to ensure a tight fit of the IGUS Bushings.
There are 3 versions:
Required Parts:
RUTHEX M3 Inserts: (Optional)ÅMÅŽÕÑ&keywords=ruthex+m3&qid=1578179837&sr=8-2
Some M3x10 Bolts for the RUTHEX version (MK3 spare part bag)
You probably need longer bolts for the hex- and square- nut versions.
I printed the mount with Fillamentum CPE HG100 (first version).
Make sure to use a material which resists high temps, otherwise the inserts could 'creep' out.
Perimeters set to 0.7mm (only the inner will be 0.7)
For the RUTHEX Version:
Insert the bushing before you insert the M3 Inserts to avoid deformation on the "bushing"-diameter (could also be smoothed with the soldering iron afterwards)
Make sure that you do not apply to much force to the inserts, let them melt in gently.
You can use the original mounting holes on the frame to tighten them up (not too much)
Version 2 and 3 are straight forward, just insert the square or hex nuts and you are fine.
Hint: If you already use the IGUS bushing, dont remove the y-rods -> slide the bushings to the back of the printer and snap the mount on your bushing. ;)
The author hasn't provided the model origin yet.