Qi charging frame for Ikea LIVBOJ

A charging frame/bowl for Ikea LIVBOJ Qi enabled charger
updated May 3, 2022



I like the Ikea LIVBOJ Qi charger, as it is a cheap way to charge my Phone overnight. The charger can only output 5W, but for me that is perfect for two reasons: 

  1. the phone charges slower = better for the battery
  2. the phone does not get so warm while charging = better for phone, especially battery

The cool thing with Qi is, that you just lay down your phone and it gets charged - assuming you found the right position. It always drives me insane waking up in the morning and realizing that the phone didn't charge because of misplacement. Furthermore the phone easily falls off the Qi pug.

My solution was to print a frame which is basically a bowl where you can place your phone in. I did two designs, one for mounting it on a wall/bed and one just for laying on a shelf. The wall mounted one needs a right angle usb-c cable to work. I attached the fusion360 files if you want to adapt the design. 

The size fits an iphone 12/11/XR and similar with case. As I said, source file included to be adapted if needed. 

Have fun :)


Model origin

The author hasn't provided the model origin yet.
