My version of this practical marking gauge, designed for folding rulers common in Europe. I made some modifications in the OpenSCAD file to better fit these rulers and to remedy some printing problems I had with the initial version.
Original work by MrFuzzy_F on Thingiverse, distributed under CC BY-NC.
Visit his Thingiverse page for many other pre-made models and the original OpenSCAD file without my mods.
My first one was printed in PLA and broke at the lever. So I now print in PETG, 0.6 mm nozzle with four perimeters and four tops/bottoms. Minimal supports required, but on build plate only. Print with a layer height of 0,2 mm - otherwise, the “print-in-place gap” for the lever hinge might turn out too small and the lever will be welded in place.
The author marked this model as their own original creation.