When I found out I would need to stay in a shared hospital room overnight for my knee surgery, I knew that I would need something to filter the air going into my CPAP machine. Not only did I want to prevent bacteria and viruses (think covid) from collecting inside the machine to be taken home, but I also realized that a HEPA quality intake filter would greatly reduce personal exposure while sleeping.
An air intake filter seemed like the perfect solution…except I couldn't find a single one available for purchase. So I turned to the 3d printing community, and after searching and finding none, I decided it was time to make one.
Here you have the first CPAP Air Intake Filter Housing known to man (at least this man). With this simple housing and any HEPA filter material (I recommend HEPA vacuum bags) you will have an easy-to-use filter to keep your CPAP machine (and lungs) free from contaminants. This is perfect for traveling to places with poor air quality, for hospital stays, or even just to help if you have seasonal allergies.
Simply cut out filter material using the grill as a guide, place it over the housing, and secure it with the grill. Then carefully insert it into the air intake on any Resmed Airsense 10 unit. The tube diameter (inner and outer) have been carefully tuned to fit the intake on the Series 10 units so it should sit just between the outside of the intake tube and the frame of the machine around it if your printer is properly calibrated. I hope this helps at least a few fellow CPAPers like myself! If you have any questions feel free to ask!
Print details:
This was printed at 90 mm/s with 25 mm/s for the initial layer using an Anycubic Mega Pro, Anycubic PLA, print temp 200 C & bed temp of 60 C. I did this with no support with the grill facedown. In my case I actually found a rubber band to be sufficient to hold the filter material around the edges of the grill. I will print the grill cover soon but I am sure it will work well because the filter already works perfectly as is. I hope this helps at least a few fellow CPAPers like myself! If you have any questions feel free to ask!
The author hasn't provided the model origin yet.