TTGO LoRa32 v2.1.1.6 *and* T3S3 cases for Meshtastic

TTGO LoRa32 v2.1.1.6 *and* T3S3 case designs for use with the Meshtastic® project.
16 k
updated April 29, 2024



**You can purchase this case and others already printed:**

US customers can purchase from QuantumShadow3D:

UK/EU customers can purchase from 3DChicken:

These models are intended for personal use only.
DO NOT copy, sell, trade or otherwise gain from my designs without my explicit permission.

Anyone interested in licensing this design for non-commercial (i.e. private) sale can message me here to discuss.  Please respect the Creative Commons license restrictions I have chosen ( and I encourage anyone who sees my designs for sale contact me.

With all that said, now on to the models…

Update 2-February-2024:

  • Updated v24 18650 back models; fixed minor corner defect (void left inside wall)
  • Updated v22c frame models; all frames now support T3S3 v1.0, v1.1, and v1.2 boards with and without qwiic/STEMMA connectors (single and double)
  • All front, frame, and back cover models now support GPS antennas


Required hardware:

Optional accessories:

  • Tlora+T3S3_v22_SMA-gasket-large - Print in TPU


  • xxx_button-frame1 has slightly tighter print tolerance than xxx_button-frame2; if #1 doesn't fit try printing #2
  • Back covers named Tlora+T3S3 are universal and fit both TTGO LoRa32 v2.1-1.6 or T3S3 cases
  • Designed for lithium ion battery with dimensions 7mm (H) x 30mm (W) x 48mm (L) (Battery code 703048), or 18660 cell with battery holder (protected cells are recommended for safety!)


Model origin

The author marked this model as their own original creation. Imported from Thingiverse.
