I have a LED light on top of my Prusa Mini+ and I needed a way to run the cable down the Z-Axis extrusion and keep it secure. After searching and printing numerous clips and covers, none were a tight enough fit, were way too loose or just plain didn't fit right and/or looked jank when installed (like the clips). I like neat so I made my own cover to hold my light cable securely and neatly.. I then went on to make covers for all the other extrusions on the Mini.
These fit tight enough in the Mini's extrusions to securely hold the cable in the right hand side of the Z-Axis extrusion (with a little gap at the top and bottom for the cable to fit though) and also while leaving the silver printer details sticker intact at the bottom of the extrusion.
The other covers for the front of the Z-Axis is also made to fit with the yellow safety sticker still in place. If you've removed either of these stickers, simply resize the particular cover(s) in your slicer to total a length of 287mm. The rest are just for looks and should fit the Mini just fine as printed. They are a tight fit so you need to gently squeeze while pushing in from an angle.
There is two STL files for download, one for printing on the Mini and the other one for printing on the MK3S. The covers in the Mini file are spilt into two pieces to fit onto the build plate of the Mini. The covers in the MK3S file are one piece. All covers are in each STL file, if you don't require certain covers (like the X-Axis) simply delete before printing.
I printed these using the textured build plate for, I think, a nicer look.
Printed on the MK3S with a .3mm layer height
Printed on the Mini with a .25mm layer height
Happy printing. :)
The author hasn't provided the model origin yet.