Airflow Management and Filter Enhancement for Prusa LACK Enclosure

This is an enhancement for the Prusa LACK Enclosure to improve the air flow in the enclosure and filter the air.
updated December 19, 2021



This is an enhancement for the Prusa Enclosure built from IKEA LACK Enclosures (

With this enhancement we seal the enclosure and install an active airflow management system through filters.  By that we:

  • make tempature better controllable
  • improve noise emmissions
  • keep print enclosure cleaner from outside dust
  • (I hope) also protect the operator (at least better) from fumes, particles etc.

Shopping list:

  1. for the new door:
    1. 6x Neodym Magnets 6x20mm (same as for former double sided door)
    2. 2x M4x12 Pan Head Screws incl. nuts (for handle)
    3. 4x M5x12 Pan Head Scrwes incl. nuts (for hinges)
    4. New Acryilic glass 440x440x3mm, optinally with prepared holes (see drilling picture)
  2. For the Air-Inlet and Outlet:
    1. 2x 120mm PC Fan incl screws, optimally connected via USB (I got ‘AC Infinity MULTIFAN S7’ on
    2. Fan Controller, optimally with temperature probe (I got 'AC Infinity Controller 2' on
    3. Filter sheet for vacuum cleaner
    4. Filter for Laser printers 140x100mm (for example by TESA Clean Air Size L)
    5. 2x New Acrylic glass 440x440x3mm (see cut and drilling picture)
    6. 8m sealing tape 12x6mm, made from foam e.g. for room door sealings
    7. 20x Pan Head wood screws diameter 4mm, length between 15-40mm.

The Acrylic glass I got from in Germany. They cut everything according to your needs by laser very acurately.


Printing instructions:

  • No supports, except for lower hinge overhang
  • I suggest using PETG for all parts
  • Print:
    • 2x Door_frame_upper,
    • 2x Door_frame_lower, 
    • 1x everything else
    • Optionally the the fan_controller_holder, if you get the one I have
  • The Air inlet has some snappers


Assembly instructions:

  1. Glue in the magnets:
    1. Drop glue in the holders
    2. Put the part of the frame and the part of the handle together, that the magnets chamfers face away from each other.
    3. Place the magenets that they attract each other and pull themselfes in the chamfers.
  2. Put the enclosure upside down and disassemble the old acrylic glasses
  3. Drill a hole in the table top for the cable channel where you want to guide tha cables out and glue it in there from both sides.
  4. Tape the sealing tape along the edges on the lack table that later tha glass will be surronded by it and tightens the enclosure. The edge of the tape shall be placed flush to the outer edges of the table parts.
  5. Assembly Air Inlet
    1. Take one fan as the inlet fan. Clarify the orientation that it blows inside the enclosure. Take off the safety grid from the fans suction side, if there is any.
    2. Take one acryl glass. Check its orinentation. The Inlet shall be placed near the Einsy board.
    3. Use the screws you got with the fan to screw the air inlet base plate through the acryl glass on the fan.
    4. Put in the filter and close the inlet grid. Maybe you need to cut in some further clearance to the snappers that thay fit properly.
  6. Assembly Air Outlet
    1.  Take the other fan as the outlet fan. Clarify the orientation that it blows outside the enclosure. Take off the safety grid from the fans blower side, if there is any.
    2. Take the other acryl glass. Check its orinentation. The outlet shall be placed at the top of the enclosure.
    3. Use the screws you got with the fan to screw the air outlet through the acryl glass on the fan.
    4. Put in the filter. Use the velcro delivered with the TESA filter to hold it in place. 
  7. Scew in the new upper edge.
  8. Screw the hinges and the handle with the glued in magnets.
  9. Insert all acryl glasses and the new door and lock them with the bottom corners. Use the new one for the front bottom left position.
  10. Door frame assembly:
    1. Find the right position for the magnetic frame part that the door is flush with the table front and screw it in the LACK leg.
    2. Tape the sealing tape on the side of the frame parts that have no holes. It should be flush with the egdes. Where the hinges are the thickness of the sealings need to be cut down roughly by half.
    3. Place the 2 shorter frame parts at the top that the sealing touches the glass and screw it down.
    4. Place the left upper and lower frame parts above / below the magnetic frame parts that the sealing tape touches the door and screw them down as well.
  11. Manage cabeling with the Prusa clamps
  12. Put the enclosure back on top the lower LACK table. Check the bottom sealing.
  13. Place the 2 longer frame parts at the bottom flush to the previously screwed left frame parts and screw it down in an equal distance to the front edge of the enclosure.




Model origin

The author hasn't provided the model origin yet.
