Hi there,
here is a 2D art piece based on an image by the incredible artist Patrick Seymour, go and check out his other picutres, really inspiring and fascinating what he is doing (link below). I am releasing this Fox with his permission.
The .stl file is generated with an Lithophanemaker (link below). I was wondering what else one could do with Lithophane generators, except for lithophanes. For example art like this could be something one could convert easlily to a printable file and it works realy well. Also you can easily generate 3D printable QR codes, check my designs for that (link below). Note, the orange spots on the black background are pixels which haven't been turned completly black (probably due to noise in the image, maybe even some compression error), this could be avoided by manually coloring those areas with Paint.Net (or any other iage processing software) in completly black. I only realised them after printing.
Feel free to leave me some feedbak in the comments and please post your prints.
First I made a greyscal image of the original that I took from Patrick's Behance account (link below). Using Paint.Net I made it grey and added an autolevel. This way the darkest pixel will be completly black and the brightest completly white. This means your greyscale values get spread along the greyscale, making it easier for the lithophane generator to have distinct bounderies. But, this could also mean the orange spots on the background came from autoleveling, combined with a bit noise in the background. The new image is loaded to https://itslitho.com/ see the picture for the exact settings, this time I also added a frame. You get to download the .stl file and sclice it with a colorchange in sclic3r, just take a look at the .3mf file, the two colorchanges are already set.
If you trying this with other pictures, the only thing you need to consider is the ratio of the linethickness in your picture, compared to the thickness of your extruded lines. So if your using a .4mm Nozzle some fine lines maybe represented to thick or won't even be sliced. This highly depends on your images and the size you want to print it.
Patrick Seymour on Behance:
Patrick Seymour on Instagram:
Patrick Seymour Gorilla Face (3D printed):
The author marked this model as their own original creation. Imported from Thingiverse.