Peralia is a strategy game based on chess. The three warrior pieces move and kill the same as queens in chess.
4h 5m
3× print file
0.30 mm
0.40 mm
69.00 g
updated March 17, 2023



Peralia is a strategy game based on chess. The three warrior pieces move and kill the same as queens in chess. The defenders move like kings but cannot kill anything. The goal of the game is to either vanquish all of your opponents defenders or all of their warriors.

For a two player game place your warriors in front of you on the side you are closest to. Then place the defenders in a line in front of your warriors. This is your army. Refer to the picture for instructions.

For a four player game place your three warrior pieces the same way you would in a two player game and then place three defenders in front of those. Refer to pic if needed

Oldest player goes first (all disputes between players are settled by rock paper scissors). On your turn you make one move.

The warriors (there are only three of these) can move forward, backward, side to side, and diagonal any number of spaces.
Defenders can move onto any adjacent tile. They cannot vanquish any opponent pieces.
To vanquish an opponent's piece, make sure your piece is in line with an opponent's, next move your piece to occupy your opponent's space removing his or hers in the process. (it is the same as in chess)

If your piece is on the center square (the one with the T) that piece is invincible as long as it occupies it. Warriors can vanquish from that spot but cannot be vanquished while on that place.

This piece is invincible
Play stops when…
In a two player game when one player loses all their warriors OR all their defenders.
In a four player game when one player loses all his warriors OR all their defenders they will remove the rest of their pieces from the board. Play resumes with 3 players, then with two players and then the last player standing wins.


  • Try removing defenders evenly across both teams. This makes the game rely more on strategy.
  • Try not using the immortality rule on the T space.
  • Place multiple boards together to increase ways to play :)

Print instructions

I printed everything in PLA at .3mm layer height. remember to let the heatbed cool before removing the board, you don't want it to warp!


Model origin

The author marked this model as their own original creation.


Highlighted models from creator

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