LED Lamp with RGB strip.
In the contest Lights and 3D printing
updated September 23, 2020



LED Lamp with RGB strip.
Easily printable on i3 or Prusa MINI
Transparent shader is from Prusament PETG clear, LED tower from Prusament PETG Urban Gray, Base is printed from ColorFabb brassfill (sanded and polished), ELE. holder printed from Prusament PETG Galaxy Black.
It is using cheap and very easy to work with parts, only require basic skill in soldering, no programming skills are needed.

Print instructions

Shader print from transparent material (PETG) as the LED strip generate some heat. add extra perimeters to avoid any infill or use single perimeter + 5% gyroid infill co print shader with pattern.
LED tower print from PETG as well, some bright color, not dark, as it may be create different shades.
The button is not separate part, it is a part of the ELE. holder, so you can print it in one piece

All parts were printer on 0,2mm Quality Layer height.

Electrical components:
Arduino Nano R3
Tactile button (6x6mm with short pad)
Couple of wires (ideally red, black and yellow)
3A/250V switch (https://www.aliexpress.com/item/32813343281.html?spm=a2g0o.productlist.0.0.693222c3Rc9c9b&algo_pvid=765e85f9-a84d-4ba0-9f22-8082ac03541c&algo_expid=765e85f9-a84d-4ba0-9f22-8082ac03541c-16&btsid=0b0a119a16008546202167656ed947&ws_ab_test=searchweb0_0,searchweb201602_,searchweb201603_)
RGB LED strip 5V, 1m long with 60 LED's (can be less, the code can be easily customized) (https://www.aliexpress.com/item/4000243089496.html?spm=a2g0o.productlist.0.0.77706575ik5KIt&algo_pvid=13014276-115a-4175-bb98-995c15c1dc43&algo_expid=13014276-115a-4175-bb98-995c15c1dc43-12&btsid=0b0a0ae216008540210193991ebfab&ws_ab_test=searchweb0_0,searchweb201602_,searchweb201603_)
5V/1A power supply
Cylindrical power socket 5,5x2,1 (https://www.aliexpress.com/item/32870476288.html?spm=a2g0o.productlist.0.0.f5102d06qcIrLc&algo_pvid=c8b057ae-a802-4bb1-9272-2b6bc8c28fed&algo_expid=c8b057ae-a802-4bb1-9272-2b6bc8c28fed-25&btsid=0b0a050116008539120256157eb5e2&ws_ab_test=searchweb0_0,searchweb201602_,searchweb201603_)


Solder signal cable from RGB strip to D5 pin and GND to GND pin on Arduino. 5V (VCC) solder to switch
Solder one side of tactile button to D2 pin and GND to GND
From switch to Arduino VIN solder one short RED wire and solder the way to power up the Arduino.

Open Arduino IDE, select R3 Arduino nano in tools and open "Manage Library" and find Fast LED. Install it to your IDE and open new scetch. Download also https://www.tweaking4all.com/hardware/arduino/arduino-all-ledstrip-effects-in-one/ for all Effect and open this code in IDE.
Change the number of LED to 60 (#define NUM_LEDS 60 ) and under the same line add a new line of code #define BRIGHTNESS 500 to set brighteness of the LED.

Now you can connect the Arduino via USB cable and flash the sketch to your Arduino IDE. As you have soldered the tactile button to D2 pin, you can change the light effect by pressing the botton.

Tadaa, you have LED lamp, perfect for relaxing :-)


Model origin

The author hasn't provided the model origin yet.


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