Requiem - Fallen Temperion Warrior

Monster from the horror-themed, now barely functional MMORPG Requiem: Bloodymare / Memento Mori / whatever.
updated January 7, 2021



Monster from the horror-themed, now barely functional MMORPG Requiem: Bloodymare / Memento Mori / whatever. Twelve different poses.

Blender is able to import animation files for most models from this game, so more poses are possible if there is demand for them.

Print instructions

I have used the model's texture to add some detail to the low-poly model via displacement. Typical tabletop 28mm or similar size figures are fine like that. Printing at larger scale would require some further cleanup and remodeling. Printing at very small scale would require making important details more prominent.

Most poses test printed on Prusa MINI, placed horizontally or at an angle with automatic supports. Highest risk parts while removing supports are hips and thigh bones.


Model origin

The author hasn't provided the model origin yet.


Highlighted models from creator

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