My friend was in need of a pizza cutter and also happened to be a pun enthusiast. Thus, the Pisa Cutter was born.
updated January 24, 2021



My friend was in need of a pizza cutter and also happened to be a pun enthusiast. Thus, the Pisa Cutter was born.

Print instructions

Nothing special of note with the print. Mine printed fine with no supports. I printed it as designed with the lean. I have read from similar prints that straightening the tower and printing on supports will hide the layer lines as they will be aligned with the model.

I did not do this and just printed on the "fine" preset and got excellent results. The wide base also eliminates the need for a brim. The washer inserts into the hub of the cutting wheel. M3 screw and hex nut hold everything in place. The cutting wheel this print is designed to carry can be found here:

Be careful because this wheel is super sharp. In fact, the lack of a blade guard makes this model more of a display piece than a safe and functional kitchen gadget. Use at your own risk.


Model origin

The author hasn't provided the model origin yet.
