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popular portrait models —
Best portrait models & stl files for printing
SMK - Statens Museum for Kunst
Portrait of Julius Caesar (?), The Green Caesar
Scan The World
Portrait of a young man
Scan The World
Portrait of a Roman man
Bust of a youth
Scan The World
Scan The World
Relief the Lion of Saint Mark
SMK - Statens Museum for Kunst
Portrait of Marcus Aurelius
Scan The World
SMK - Statens Museum for Kunst
Portrait Bust of a Flavian Woman, The Fonseca Bust
Scan The World
Sir John Watson Gordon
Scan The World
Roman Portrait Head of a Woman
Scan The World
Fragment of a bust of Mars
Scan The World
Marcus Aurelius
Scan The World
Limestone head of a woman
Scan The World
Unidentified portrait, the so-called Marius
Scan The World
Portrait of a Germanic master
Scan The World
Bust of an elderly man
Scan The World
Funerary stele with portraits
Scan The World
Portrait of Alexander Severus
Scan The World
Emperor Constantius Chlorus
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