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SMK - Statens Museum for Kunst
Athena Promachos, the so-called Dresden Pallas
This is a PseudoArchaic Athena Promachos also known as the Dresden Pallas This is a fine example of the Roman fashion for archaising making sculptures in imitation of the early Greek Archaic style Archaising sculpture is characterised by ...
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Athena Promachos, the so-called Dresden Pallas alternatives
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Unidentified portrait, the so-called Marius
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So-called Lysimachus
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SMK - Statens Museum for Kunst
The Rondanini Alexander
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Pallas (Athena) with the Parthenon
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The so-called Protesilaus
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Pseudo-Archaic Athena Promachos
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Hecuba offering the robe to Pallas Athena
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Bust of Athena
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